Thaumatrope Chick
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My kids loved making Thaumatropes and when I was on the board of a children’s film festival, I organize a craft around thaumatropes.

The movies were a big hit, but so were the handmade thaumatropes!

It’s easy to make and the kids will have a blast playing with after they make it.

By the way, the word “thaumatrope” comes from Greece. “Thauma” means magic in Greek and “trope” refers to something that turns. I sometimes call them zoetropes to get the point across. I tell you this because children are always asking questions. It’s good to have answers. And I love words.

Whatever you call it, it’s fun craft and winding them up and spinning them creates a cool motion effect that the kids will love. All you need is a

paper plate,

rubber bands,


a hole punch, and


So have with your little ones making this hatchling thaumatrope.