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My kids always loved silly putty. It’s just so much fun and kids can use and abuse it for what seems hours on end. And the recipe is so easy. There’s really nothing to it. All you need a some glue (good ole Elmer’s is perfectly fine) and some liquid starch. You can pick some up at Target or Walmart, or probably even your local well-stocked grocery store. I use the Sta-Flo brand. This is the concentrated form and you might stick to this one, as I’ve heard the Niagara-branded one doesn’t quite work as well.
So here’s what you do. Mix together equal portions of glue and starch. And to make it even more fun, add a few drops of food coloring to the glue and you can make different colors of the putty. Knead it together. It won’t take but five or 10 minutes. If it’s too sticky, just add more starch; if it’s too stringy, just add more glue. You’re all set. Have the kids ball it up and it’ll bounce like a ball. Roll it over a newspaper and it’ll copy the print. Fun! To store it, put it in a plastic bucket in the refrigerator. Stay tuned for a bunch of fun silly put projects.