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A cute winter craft is a snowflake necklace. It’s really designed for older kids or teens, but if with your help, even the younger kids can take part.

Materials You’ll Need
* Necklace wire
* Needle nosed pliers
* Beads of various sizes and shades of blue, clear, and white

First, make the snowflake pendant. Bend the wire into a dime-sized circle and string beads loosely onto the circle. Twist the ring closed. You should have a small beaded ring that allows the beads to slide a bit.

Next, use the needle nosed pliers to attach eight pieces of wire about 2 inches long each between the beads at even intervals.

String beads along the pieces of wire that project from the ring. Leave about 3/16 of an inch of wire at the end of each piece. When you are satisfied with the look, use the needle nosed pliers to bend the remaining 3/16-inch piece of wire into a tiny loop to keep the beads from slipping off. Choose which “prong” you want to be the top of the snowflake, and make sure that loop is large enough to allow the necklace wire to go through.

Slip necklace wire into this top loop and string beads on either side, free-form or symmetrical. Twist the wire at the end or attach a necklace clasp. 

Give it a try and your kids will love making and wearing the snowflake necklace.