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A fun craft that isn’t as popular as it was in my youth is macaroni jewelry. So we’re going old school today. Why? Because, well, it’s just plain fun and your kids will have a blast making these easy and colorful crafts. Here’s what you’ll need.
Various types of macaroni
Food coloring
Rubbing alcohol
Bowl or Zip-Lock bag
String or yarn

Start by dying the macaroni by adding about a teaspoon of alcohol and a few drops of food coloring to macaroni in a bowl or bag. Stir, or shake it until you get the desired shade. You can always add more coloring or even mix some colors. Pour the colored macaroni onto a newspaper to dry. When
the macaroni dries, string them to make a necklace or bracelet. A tip is to tape one end of yarn or string to table while stringing.