Easy and Fun Crafts for Kids


How to Make Veggies Fun to Eat

Here’s a fun and easy way to get the kids excited about veggies. Yeah. Vegetables. I know. Don’t play with your food and all that. But making veggie mosaics always gets the kids excited about biting into their cool creations. So if your kids are turning their noses up at veggies, try having them make …

Edible Playdough Recipe
Gooey and Messy Crafts

​Fun DIY Edible Playdough Recipe

My kids loved playdough. They could play with the stuff forever. So could my kindergartners, if I let them. So here’s a fun take on playdough: edible playdough. It’s fun and the kids can eat it after they’ve molded the clay into a masterpiece. Here’s what you’ll need 1 (18 oz.) jar of peanut butter …


3 Crafts to Make with Your Toddler

Toddlers love crafts but there are definitely types of crafts that work better for toddlers than others. The two operative words are simple and fun.  And, of course, you’ll need to help your little one with the craft. So here three of my favorites. 1. Play FoodCraft foam is great for making pretend food; it’s bendable …


How to Make a Snowflake Necklace

A cute winter craft is a snowflake necklace. It’s really designed for older kids or teens, but if with your help, even the younger kids can take part. Materials You’ll Need* Necklace wire* Needle nosed pliers* Beads of various sizes and shades of blue, clear, and white First, make the snowflake pendant. Bend the wire …


Making Macaroni Jewelry … Cuz It’s Fun!

A fun craft that isn’t as popular as it was in my youth is macaroni jewelry. So we’re going old school today. Why? Because, well, it’s just plain fun and your kids will have a blast making these easy and colorful crafts. Here’s what you’ll need. Various types of macaroniFood coloringRubbing alcoholNewspaperBowl or Zip-Lock bagString or …


Teach Your Kids to Make Balloon Animals

If you’ve ever taken your kids to a festival of any sort, you seen it there with a long line of children. It’s the person making balloon animals. Some of those folks can make pretty incredible things with balloons. It is truly a craft—even an art form. The thing is that kids can learn how …


How to Make Muffin Pan Crayon Creations

If you have kids, you have crayons. And if you have crayons, you have a bunch of ground-down nubs of crayons. They’re old bits and pieces that the kids can barely grip. Throw them out? No way. As they say, when you get handed lemons, make lemonade. So when the kids hand you those nubby …

Holiday Crafts

Using Recycled CDs for Valentine’s Day Crafts

Have a bunch of old CDs on a shelf? They’re a kids craft gold mine. You know that.​ In fact, one of the most ingenious Valentine’s Day craft is the use of recycled CDs. I know I have a bunch stored somewhere in my desk because, well, who uses them anymore? But like everything else, …